Thursday, September 3, 2009

Hello Auckland

I just visited a tremendous site that had young kids using podcasts to read stories and incorporate sound effects. A small team of readers told stories such as Little Red Riding Hood. Adding suspense and drama by creating sound effects that emphasized the plot and kept the listener very entertained. They had many links and various blogs, but are becoming very efficient quickly. Kids are really enthusiastic and take the production and reading very seriously. They are obviously exposed to a wealth of knowledge and are able to be as creative as they can be. Combine Drama, English, Computers, and add a sense of team work builds personnel confidence. Desire, Exposure, Creativity, and Confidence what more could you want for your kids?

Here is some information from the school they attend, taken directly from the school website:

The school's computer suite has 33 Apple Mac computers all networked to a server. Classes have timetabled lessons in the computer suite. Groups of children also have supervised access to the internet. A data projector allows teachers to facilitate teaching and learning in the suite. Programmes such as Appleworks, Kid Pix 3, iPhoto, iMovie, Keynote, Pages are used in lessons from Year 1 to Year 8. All staff on site as well as students and parents must sign an agreement before access to the internet is allowed.

Our intermediate students (Years 7 & 8) have specialist technology lessons in:
- food technology
- biotechnology
- structures and mechanisms
- electronics and control
- production and process
- materials technology
- information and communication technology

Costs are subsidised by the Ministry of Education, but children need to pay for materials. Projects children make are very worthwhile.

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