Monday, November 30, 2009


My PLN consists of the entire online community because I now consider myself able to search, find, confirm, help, learn, or ask anyone online. The key people in my network of friends include Joe McClung, Mr. Needleman, Russ Goerend, Jabiz Raisana, Mr. Chamberlain, Dr. Strange, and of course every student at the University currently taking EDM 310. I have access to students taking EDM 310 for the rest of my life and can see quite clearly what they have been doing and follow their blogs to help keep me abreast of what is happening. The great things about the course is that it will keep evolving and as new people come in with new thoughts and ideas, the possibilities are endless. There are loads of sites specifically for teachers that I can and will use for my learning network but it is my class that I am most interested in seeing what they have done and will do. I am part of that class and live in the same area as teachers going in to the same field, wouldn't it be great to lean on each other? Think what we could do right here in this county. We are the future teachers in the gulf coast area and will make an impact on tens of thousands of children and I am excited. Keep blogging!

1 comment:

  1. Blogging does seem to be a bit contagious, doesn't it! :)
