Saturday, August 22, 2009

Wake Up

We tend to take a great deal of things for granted in life. Mr. Winkle forces us to wake up and look at what we have. In a very funny way, it shows how we have evolved our daily practices over the past hundred years in art, culture, architecture, medicine, music, while failing to change the public school system to the world we now live in. Mr. Winkle is not used to technology and is afraid , much the same as the majority of people today, like myself. However, technology allows us to improve how we can deliver vast amounts of useful information. Being able to project and gather information is a powerful tool.

As an educator it will be my responsibility to constantly learn and teach to the best of my ability. Regardless of funding and capabilities in the public school system there are various systems available to the educator. A lap top, smart board, projector, screens, field trips are main components but cameras and cell phones are used by most kids on a daily basis. Allowing kids the chance to use and often explain various things that can be done should only benefit the class a whole. Information is knowledge, and anyway that you can get knowledge in a kids head is great. By the time I graduate and become a teacher I hope to gain as much knowledge as I can, but I know that I will continually strive to grow and this is the greatest far.


  1. A fantastic attitude. And if you can facilitate the use of the tools kids have - for learning - you will have accomplished a lot!

  2. I would love to know what I need to make a clip such as this. I have a basic camcorder and a mac mini, but that's about all. I would download a bunch of stuff that I've been looking at but I never know if that is going to be useful or not. To add animation, or make a recording into animation is possible. To edit sound and add music is possible. To take an exsisting movie, trailer, picture, or something and add dialogue and content is possible. Do you know what I would need?

    I tried finding (from the podcast smartboard lessons) that facilitates storing, editing and the like of photos and video. No luck.
